Changelog for InkZonePerfect-InkZoneLoop v8
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[] - 2024-9-24
- functionality for ink-preset for news paper press
- match the readback job from IZInstantLink with current printing job
- use IZSwitchBoxConnect to communicate with the IZSwitchBox
- fix an issue when the job screen shows no jobs (caused by certain Windows regional settings)
[] - 2024-9-24
- new SwitchBoxControl_v2 application
- load density target from TVF in combination with IZCockpit
- allow ductor changes from UI when running IZLoop
- new IZScreenControlUDP application
- keep 10 revisions for each calibration curve
- fix for job names with special character as such a job would disappeared from the job list
- new version for IZInstantLink v10.24.9.24, adds readback support for CP2000
[] - 2024-8-1