Click on the unit number to enable BestMatch target for printing.
BestMatch View
Displays BestMatch information with green, yellow and
red background for every key.
Background indicator:
1) Green = color is okay and within DeltaE defined by the targetset
2) Yellow = color is at the edge of the tolerance
3) Red = out of tolerance
BestMatch target density
Shows current BestMatch target. In this sample 1.89.
BestMatch disabled (=white background) and 1.89 is the BestMatch target
Standard target density is enabled
1.77 is currently active target density
BestMatch enabled (=blue background and BM icon next to unit number shows up) and 1.89 is the BestMatch target
Standard target density is disabled (=white background)
Required density change
Required density change, ink-key change to reach BestMatch DeltaE
BestMatch information
Shows BestMatch information
BM target density, averaged
Required density change, averaged
Predicted BestMatch DeltaE when BestMatch target density is reached
Go to Measurement View