Press Machine Setup
General information
Set here the press machine name and manufacturer.
This values are passed to the measurement data export files
such as SVF, XML etc.
Machine type
Select either sheet-fed or web press
Ink key parameter
Set the number of keys and their width
Units and perfector
Set the number of units and the perfector position (if available). For a none perfecting press the position is on 0.
Console ink-key
Typically, on sheet fed press consoles the ink-key number 1
is on the left side and the highest ink-key is on the right.
Consequently the ink-key direction is "lowest to highest ink-key".
Print units
Press colour setup.
Colour assignment:
First, click on the print unit and then select the color:
Ink-Key Groups
With ink-key groups, several ink keys are selected at once to quickly adjust target density.
Advanced press settings
Go to Press with Perfector
Go to Web Press Setup