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1.1.2. Density Relative View
Click on it to return to the home screen
Density relative
Displays the density relative view
Load last used job
Loads the last used job
Job list
Loads the job list
Link to spot colors
Changes to the spot color setup.
Relative to target
Shows measured density relative to target, like:
Target density 1.35
Measured density 1.40
Displayed value 0.05
Unit / Average
Shows average values.
Average values on:
TVI on 40% patches
TVI on 80% patches
Target density
Shows currently used target density for the print unit.
Target density is changed by clicking on the unit number.
Then use the plus and minus button for the change.
Or simply type the new target with your keyboard.
Mask ink key / unit
Select ink key/s or unit/s which are not regulated with color control.
These key/s are also ignored by the report system.
Production mode
Change to production mode. IZReport uses only sheets which are marked as "Production" for the production report.
Sets the currently displayed sheet as an OK-sheet. The averaged Lab value becomes the new Lab target. The DeltaE values are recalculated when applying the OK-sheet to a previously scanned sheet.
Every new job is initially as MakeReady. Change to OK-sheet or Production mode. IZReport ignores all MakeReady sheets when a production report is generated.
Context sensitive help button. Shows the help page for the currently active screen
Open up the software configuration page
Go to Measurement View