Measuring conditions
Opens the menu Measuring Conditions with menu entry
a) standard printing targetset
b) spot-color target sets
c) scoring
d) scan device setup.
Menu Spot Colors
Open the submenu Spot Colors
Shortcut to spot color
Use this shortcut to get directly to the spot color
Available targetsets
Currently installed spot color targetset
Selected targetset
Current selected spot color targetset.
The shown color entries on the right refer to this target.
Color entries
Color entries from selected targetset. Click on the color for editing.
Search color
Add a part of the spot color name to quickly find the color
Import color library
Import a CxF color exchange file
Create new spot color
Creates a new spot color:
Set the spot name
Choose the density channel
Choose a TVI base curve
Delete targetset
Deletes the currently selected spot color targetset
Create new targetset
Creates a new spot color targetset
Export color library
Exports spot color data as CxF
Go to Measurement View