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Targetset name
The spot color targetset where the color is assigned to
Color name
Color name
Density measurement channel
Usually the density filter channel for measuring a spot color with a spectrophotometer is set to MAX, meaning the maximum peak from its remission. Nevertheless, it is possible to change the filter to K, C, M or Y
Lab target
Lab target value
Target density with tolerance
Target density with tolerance
With this setup the density for a front side measurement is displayed as:
< 1.86
1.86 - 1.90
1.91 - 2.01
2.02 - 2.06
> 2.06
Front / Back target selector
Setup an individual density target for front and back side.
DeltaE tolerance
Color tolerance in DeltaE
With this setup the DeltaE for a front and back measurement is displayed as:
0 - 3
3.01 - 5
> 5
Spectral remission
Spectral remission curve
TVI values with tolerance
TVI curve values and their tolerance
Visualized TVI curve
Visualized TVI curve with the TVI expected value for 5 to 95%.
TVI curve type
ISO 12647-2 uses different sets of predefined TVI curves named A to F.
A linear curve is when the dot gain is expected like
5%Tone TVI=5;
10%Tone TVI=10;
Delete color
Deletes the color
Links to an existing color
Create a link to an existing spot color.
Select the reference color in the dialog. Use the search to filter the color list.
Measure with instrument
Place the instrument on the sample and start the color reading with this button. Alternatively, use the instrument measurement button.